Old Master Prints

Customs Of The Jewish People


After Bernard Picart (1673-1733)

Zurich: David Herrliberger, 1746

Customs Of The Jewish People

Complete Set of 20 print on 12 pages + cover page

38 cm x 25 cm

from the book "Heilige Ceremonien, Gottes- und Götzen-Dienste aller Völcker der Welt,..." published in  Zurich 

Engraved plates depicting various Jewish customs
Twelve engraved plates (with 20 illustrations), depicting various Jewish rituals and customs: the inauguration of the Portuguese synagogue in Amsterdam (large engraving), Purim at the Portuguese synagogue in Amsterdam (large engraving), Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Simchat Torah, blessing of the Cohanim and the raising the Torah scroll, circumcision and the redemption of the first-born, marriage ceremony and Jewish burial, sitting in the Sukkah and the feast of Seder, and various religious objects (Tefillin, Mezuzah, Shofar, prayer shawl, the Four Species, and more).

These engravings appeared in Bernard Picart's book "Religious Ceremonies and Customs of All the Peoples of the World". They were based on Picart's visits to the Portuguese synagogue and his visits to the houses of Sephardic Jews in Amsterdam. Picart, who knew the Jewish community of Amsterdam well (and even made the engraved title page of the book "Tikkun Sofrim", they are considered one of the most reliable sources for the documentation of Jewish life and culture in the Netherlands in the 18th century.