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Depuis la création d'Apple Boutique en 1985, les ventes de Peintures, Dessins, Aquarelles et Estampes anciennes européennes occupent une grande partie de la société, parfois de grands noms de la scène artistique européenne.
La boutique Apple est l'endroit idéal pour découvrir et acheter des peintures, des dessins, des aquarelles ou des estampes anciennes et une gamme de prix adaptée à chaque budget.
Avec une demande toujours croissante de peintures, dessins, aquarelles et gravures anciennes et une reserve de chefs-d'œuvre en constante diminution. Apple Boutique a gagné en popularité dans le monde international des collectionneurs avec une clientèle venant d'Asie, du Moyen-Orient, d'Amérique du Sud, de Russie, d'Europe et d'Amérique du Nord.
Au cours des dernières années, Apple Boutique a vendu des peintures exceptionnelles.
Nous vous proposons d'acheter des œuvres d'art en toute discrétion.
Notre expérience, notre expertise et notre renommée mondiale pour identifier les l'œuvre d'art et trouver l'acheteur potentiel.
Therefore, beyond a certain level of competence, date rather than quality is the criterion for using the term. Paintings of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the term often had a starting date of perhaps 1450 or 1470; paintings made before that were "primitives"; but this distinction is no longer made. The original OED from the beginning of the 20th century, defines the term as "a 'master' who lived before the period accounted 'modern', chiefly applied to painters from the 13th to the 16th or 17th century." Rather surprisingly, the first quotation they give is from a popular encyclopedia of 1840: "As a painter of animals, Edwin Landseer far surpasses any of the old masters". There are comparable terms in Dutch, French and German; the Dutch may have been the first to make use of the term, in the 18th century, when it mostly meant painters of the Dutch Golden Age of the previous century. Les Maitres d'autrefois of 1876 by Eugene Fromentin may have helped to popularize the concept, although "vieux maitres" is also used in French. The famous collection in Dresden at the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister is one of the few museums to include the term in its actual name, although many more use it in the title of departments or sections. The collection in the Dresden museum essentially stops at the Baroque period. The end-date is necessarily vague—Goya (1746–1828) is certainly an Old Master, and he was still painting and printmaking at his death in 1828. For example, the term might be used, but usually is not, about John Constable (1776–1837) or Eugène Delacroix (1798–1868). The term tends to be avoided by art historians as too vague, especially when discussing paintings, although the terms Old Master Prints and Old Master drawings are still used. It remains more current in the art trade. Auction houses still usually divide their sales between, for example: "Old Master Paintings", "Nineteenth-century paintings" and "Modern paintings". Christie's defines the term as ranging "from the 14th to the early 19th century".
Anonymous artists
Artists, most often from early periods, whose hand has been identified by art historians, but to whom no identity can be confidently attached, are often given names by art historians such as Master E.S. (from his monogram), Master of Flémalle (from a previous location of a work), Master of Mary of Burgundy (from a patron), Master of Latin 757 (from the shelf mark of a manuscript he illuminated), Master of the Brunswick Diptych or Master of Schloss Lichtenstein.Gothic/International Gothic/Proto-Renaissance
Cimabue (Italian, 1240–1302), Giotto di Bondone (Italian, 1267–1337), Duccio (Italian, 1255–1318), Simone Martini (Italian, 1285–1344), Jean Pucelle (French, 1290–1334), Ambrogio Lorenzetti (Italian, fl 1319–1348) , Pietro Lorenzetti (Italian, fl1320–1345), Lorenzo Monaco (Italian, 1370–1425), Masolino (Italian, 1383–1440), Limbourg brothers (Flemish, 1390–1416), Pisanello (Italian, 1394–1455), Sassetta (Italian, 1395–1450), Jean Fouquet (French, 1420–1481),Early Renaissance
High Renaissance
Francesco Francia (Italian, 1450–1517) Leonardo da Vinci (Italian, 1452–1519) Acclaimed great Renaissance oil painter/draughtsman Cima da Conegliano (Italian, 1459–1517) Lorenzo Costa (Italian, 1460–1535) Piero di Cosimo (Italian, 1462–1521) Pellegrino da San Daniele (Italian, 1467–1547) Fra Bartolommeo (Italian, 1472–1517) Mariotto Albertinelli (Italian, 1474–1515) Michelangelo (Italian, 1475–1564) Acclaimed Renaissance sculptor, painter and architect Bernardino Luini (Italian, 1475–1532) Marcantonio Raimondi (Italian, 1475–1534) Raphael (Italian, 1483–1520) Acclaimed Renaissance painting prodigy Il Garofalo (Italian, 1481–1559) Ridolfo Ghirlandaio (Italian, 1483–1561) Andrea del Sarto (Italian; 1486–1531) Correggio (Italian, 1490–1534) Parma painter noted for illusionistic frescoes and altarpiece oils Giulio Romano (Italian, 1492–1546)Venetian painting Renaissance
Domenico Veneziano (Italian, 1400–1461) Jacopo Bellini (Italian, 1400–1470) Gentile Bellini (Italian, 1429–1507) Noted for historical scenes of Venice and portraits of its doges Giovanni Bellini (Italian, 1430–1516) Pioneer of luminous oil painting Bartolommeo Vivarini (Italian, 1432–1499) Carlo Crivelli (Italian, 1435–1495) Alvise Vivarini (Italian, 1445–1503) Vittore Carpaccio (Italian, 1455–1526) Giorgione (Italian, 1477–1510) Pioneer of Venetian School of painting Titian (Italian, c.1477–1576) Important Renaissance exponent of colour painting in oils and frescoes Palma Vecchio (Italian, 1480–1528) Lorenzo Lotto (Italian, 1480–1556) Sebastiano del Piombo (Italian, 1485–1547) Jacopo Sansovino (Italian, 1486–1570) Jacopo Bassano (Italian, 1515–1592) Mannerist painter noted for portraiture and religious genre painting Orazio Vecellio (Italian, 1525–1576) Jacopo Tintoretto (Italian, 1518–1594) Major Venetian painter of monumental religious works Paolo Veronese (Italian, c.1528–1588) One of Venice's leading colourists Jacopo Palma (Italian, 1544–1628)Sienese School
Baldassare (Italian, fl. 15th Century) Giovanni di Paolo (Italian, 1403–1482) Matteo di Giovanni (Italian, 1430–1495) Francesco di Giorgio (Italian, 1439–1502) Sodoma (Italian, 1477–1549) Giovanni Antonio Bazzi (Italian, 1477–1548) Beccafumi (Italian, 1486–1551)Northern Renaissance
Bartolome Bermejo Alonso Sanchez Coello Jusepe de Ribera Francisco de Zurbarán Diego Velázquez Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo Juan Carreño de Miranda Bartolomé Esteban Murillo Francisco Bayeu y Subías Francisco Goya El GrecoMannerism
Dosso Dossi (Italian, 1479–1542) Domenico Campagnola (Italian, 1484–1540) Alfonso Lombardi (Italian, 1487–1537) Bartolommeo Bandinelli (Italian, 1493–1560) Pontormo (Italian, 1494–1556) Florentine fresco/oil painter Rosso Fiorentino (Italian, 1494–1540) Maarten van Heemskerck (Dutch, 1498–1574) Alessandro Moretto (Italian, 1498–1555) Giulio Clovio (Croatian born Italian, 1498–1578) Niccolo Tribolo (Italian, 1500–1550) Benvenuto Cellini (Italian, 1500–1571) Parmigianino (Italian, 1503–1540) Mannerist painter/etcher from Parma Angelo Bronzino (Italian, 1503–1572) Jacob Seisenegger (Dutch, 1505–1567) Pieter Aertsen (Dutch, 1508–1575) Francois Clouet (French 1510–1572) Giorgio Vasari (Italian, 1511–1575) Known for his Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects Antonio Moro (Dutch, 1519–1576) Giovanni Battista Moroni (Italian, 1525–1578) Federico Barocci (Italian, 1526–1612) Giuseppe Arcimboldo (Italian, 1527–1593) Best known for his bizarre Mannerist fruit and vegetable portraits Giambologna (Italian, 1529–1608) Hugely influential Mannerist sculptor Denis Calvaert (Flemish, 1540–1619) El Greco (Greek-born Spanish, 1541–1614) Noted for his dazzling spiritual works and portraits Scipione Pulzone (Italian, 1542–1598) Bartholomeus Spranger (Flemish, 1546–1611) Karel van Mander (Flemish born Dutch, 1548–1606) Giovanni Pietro de Pomis (Italian, 1565?–1633) Best known for his Late-Mannerist work inGraz, Austria Abraham Bloemaert (Dutch, 1566–1651) Joachim Wtewael (Dutch, 1566–1638) Adam Elsheimer (German, 1578–1610) Influential German landscape and history painter who influenced RubensBaroque painting
Dutch Golden Age Painting and Flemish Baroque painting
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (Italian, 1691–1770) Known for his Würzburg Residence frescoes Giovan Battista Pittoni or Giambattista Pittoni (Italian, 1687–1767), know for sacred families and childs Giovanni Battista Piazzetta (Italian, 1682–1754) Canaletto (Italian, 1697–1768) Famous topographical/architectural landscape paintings Francesco Guardi (Italian, 1712–1793) view painter of Venice School Jean-Antoine Watteau (French, 1684–1721) Noted for The Embarkation for Cythera and fête galantes Giovanni Maria Morlaiter (Italian, 1699–1781) François Boucher (French, 1703–1770) Created mythologie galante Johann Georg Platzer (Austrian, 1704–1761) Prolific Austrian Rococo painter Pompeo Batoni (Italian, 1708–1787) Bernardo Bellotto (Italian, 1720–1780) Canaletto's nephew, urban landscape paintings Franz Anton Maulbertsch (Austrian, 1724–1796) Jean-Honoré Fragonard (French, 1732–1806) Best known for The SwingRococo painting
Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin (French, 1699–1779) Important 18th Century still life artist Martin Johann Schmidt (Austrian, 1718–1801) Important 18th Century Austrian Late-Baroque painter Jean-Baptiste Greuze (French, 1725–1805) Important 18th Century painterBritish
William Dobson Thomas Gainsborough Francis Hayman Nicholas Hilliard William Hogarth George Jamesone Godfrey Kneller Thomas Lawrence Peter Lely John Opie Henry Raeburn Allan Ramsay Joshua Reynolds George Romney James Thornhill John Michael Wright Joseph Wright of Derby Johann ZoffanyNeoclassicism
Anton Raphael Mengs (German, 1728–1779) Gaetano Gandolfi (Italian, 1734–1802) Benjamin West (American born British, 1738–1820) Jacques-Louis David (French, 1748–1825) Passionate classical style political master painter Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (French, 1780–1867) Neoclassical and Romantic exponent of "academic art"Romanticism
Sir Joshua Reynolds (British, 1723–1792) Influential English portrait painter Théodore Géricault (French, 1791 - 1824) Francisco Goya (Spanish, 1746–1828) Spanish court painter and great portraitist Henry Raeburn (Scottish, 1756–1823) William Blake (British, 1757–1827) Symbolist religious painter, printmaker and book illustrator Antoine-Jean Gros (French, 1771–1835) French Romantic painter, pupil of Jacque Louis David Eugène Delacroix (French, 1798–1863)