Rare Books, Manuscripts and Maps

Missale juxta ritum Sacri ordinis


Missale juxta ritum Sacri ordinis ff. praedicatorum S. p. N. Dominici reverendissimi patris fr. Antonii Cloche S.Theologiae professoris ac ejusdem ordinis generalis magistri jussu editum

Rare Colonial Book 

Publication 1687

Workshop of Niccolò Angelo Tinassi (active between 1654

Saint Thomas Aquinas driving a six-headed dragon

Engraving. After a 1662 design by Pietro da Cortona (Pietro Berretini) (1595-1669) via an engraving by François Spierre (1639-1681). Both the Cortona design and the Spierre engraving show Saint Michael the Archangel instead of Aquinas. Versions of this engraving were used as frontispieces for the Missale sacri ordinis praedicatorum of 1687, 1705, 1728, and 1768. The version illustrated here comes from the 1705 edition. It was published in Rome by Francisco Gonzaga at the Typographia of Niccolò Angelo Tinassi.

Producer namePrint made by: François Spierre After: Ciro Ferri